Friday, March 07, 2008

Check, check, check, check it out...

Lots of things swirling around, but nothing cohesive...hence, bullets, it is!

~I turned another year older this week, and I was pretty surprised to see that a couple of my favorite bloggers had a birthday this week, as well. Pisces rule...woot! So funny, since we're supposed to be all reclusive and whatnot.

~Last week I pretty much had a baby a day, so I was pretty busy. No birthday babies for me, though. Too bad for them. Hee.

~I'm looking at other job opportunities in other areas, just as a back-up plan, and I am meeting with the physician director later this month. Here's hoping they want to keep me around, 'cause I really don't want to move.

~I discovered Project Playlist last weekend, and have been slowly adding songs to my list. If you want to check it out, just scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and click the play button. It is fairly eclectic, but I am loving listening to it. I need to make a CD out of my playlist!

~We are doing some sleep training with Bean. It is time to move from Mommy's bed to Bean's bed. He's doing really well going to sleep in his bed, but he still wakes to eat in the night. It works for at least 6 hours a night, then it is time to nurse and cuddle. Is it wrong that I just am not ready to give it up yet? They are only babies for such a short time.

~I've been playing around on Facebook more than I should. I heart Oregon Trail.

~My grandfather is quite ill, and has started dialysis this week. He has multiple medical problems, and I know, I *know* we don't have much time. I saw him last week and we are taking the kids to see them this weekend as well. The hardest part is that he is still so mentally sharp, his body is just failing him. I am just trying to soak up all the time that I can, and I hope that CindyLou may remember him, even just a little bit. He is such a great man, and I am not ready to let him go. Sniff.

~I am loving Amer.ican I.dol this season, and I heart them a little bit more for featuring the Graham Colton Band as one of their "goodbye" songs (Best Days - the last song on my playlist if you wanna listen). I will go out on a limb and predict the finalists to include Ar.chuleta, Davi.d C.ook, Br.ooke Wh.ite, Sy.esha Mercado, Micha.el J.ohns, and Carl.y Smi.thson.

Sorry for the short, sweet post, but I haven't the ability to mold and shape the roundy thoughts filtering through my brain right now. Hope all is well in your respective worlds. Happy weekend!


Anonymous said...

Happpy birthday! Good luck with the Bean sleeping. One of these days he'll sleep all night and it will scare you. Sorry about your grandfather, it's always sad to let them go. Best wishes and have a safe trip.

medstudentitis said...

Happy Happy Birthday!

clara said...

There's nothing wrong with letting them be little once and cuddling. It can make breastfeeding easier, esp. maintaining supply when working. These sweet baby days are here and then they are gone, forever. One day he will love his own bed.

ccinnkeeper said...

I'm also a pisces (2/26). I had no idea I was supposed to be reclusive. I guess I'll work on that :)

I was checking out your playlist (eclectic is right!) and saw the James Taylor song near the top, thought you might want to know that today is his birthday (3/12), so another pisces!

dr. whoo? said...

anon and medstudentitis~ Thank you for the birthday wishes! :) Beats the alternative, anyway, right?

As for my grandfather, he is doing remarkably well, and although I am unsure if this is the "calm before the storm" I am grateful for the time we get to spend with him.

clara~ You are absolutely right, they are only little once. Seeing CindyLou grow up so fast has made me want to hold on to Bean and his sweet baby ways just a little longer. We just don't want to establish unhealthy sleep habits, either. So far, so good. He goes right down in his bed, sleeps for however long, and when it is nurse and cuddle time, so be it! :)

ccinnkeeper~ Yet another wonderful pisces! The funny thing is, I am super shy, on the inside, but outwardly I am very gregarious. I'm a closet recluse, I think.

I tried to put one song a piece from my most favorite artists (without repeating) as well as some old school favorites that remind me of good times in my life. I sing "Sweet Baby James" to Bean every night before bed.

We love James Taylor in this house. Another pisces, should have known! Thanks for the tip and happy belated birthday to you!