Friday, July 10, 2009

I guess that's why they call it "The Blues."

So here I sit...alone, in a very empty, lonely house. Mr. Whoo, CindyLou, and the Bean are moved out and already in our new home city, while I sit here on my air mattress, waiting for my sentence to end. As a part of the agreement I reached with my current employer, I am being forced to serve one more term as indentured servant while OtherDoc takes his annual 2 week vacation. It has been a very rough week. The day that the house was finally packed, and Mr. Whoo and the kids had left for new city, my old, fat, girl kitty died. I have half a mind to think that she realized that we were moving again, and was going to be damned certain that she didn't have to go through it again, but it doesn't make it any easier. I found her curled up in her bed, as though she were sleeping, but when I touched her back, she was cold and stiff. She was old, and fat, but I just wasn't prepared to lose her just yet. The fact that I found her dead the same day that the rest of my family had left me alone in the house did not help matters one little bit. Poor Kitty. Poor me.

True to form, I have been inordinately busy, so I haven't much time to contemplate staying in our house all alone. I can't help but wandering through the empty rooms when I finally do get home, remembering all of the times when the rooms were full of us, our stuff, and our memories. Now, all that remains are those memories and faint impressions of furniture upon the carpet. I am alone, with my sole surviving kitty, an air mattress, a laptop, and a new set of books (The Sookie Stackhouse series). I thank God for the interwebs, facebook, and hulu. I have been watching reruns of "Dead Like Me" on hulu. If you haven't seen the series, I highly recommend it. It is a very cute show (despite the fact that it is about Grim Reapers and Death and the like.) I miss my babies, and tear up every time I hear their sweet baby voices on the phone. I miss my family so much that it hurts, and I can't wait to start the next chapter.

I have some hair-raising work stories percolating at the moment, and will post them within the next few days. It appears as though I will be going out of this job with a bang rather than a whimper. I have but a week left in my current position, a new horizon looms ever more brightly in front of me. I can't wait to share my newest adventures with all of you.


Alison aka Baby B said...

I am very sorry to hear about the loss of your kitty. *hugs*

A bright, new horizon, indeed! I can only imagine how happy you'll be get up out of there...

Lisa said...

I wish you luck with your new job! So sorry to hear about your kitty. Mine is approaching 18 and every time I walk into a room and she isn't moving I have to go make sure she is breathing. :( At least you have her buddy to keep you company.

Dr. K said...

I am very sorry to hear about kitty. It sounds as though she went peacefully, though, and there is comfort in that.

I look forward to reading all of your new adventures. The new horizon will be directly in front of you before you know it!

Fat Doctor said...

The death of a pet is so hard. Peace, sister. You'll be with your family soon.

Meanwhile, keep on plowing, planting and harvesting. It's therapeutic and, most importantly, marks the passage of time.

mitchsmom said...


I hope your new job/ location is wonderful!

I read the first Sookie but I haven't read the rest yet. Speaking of cheesy vampire romance novels, have you read the Black Dagger Brotherhood series or the Midnight Breed series? They are good (well, if you like cheesy vampire romance books LOL). I would say that both of these sets are more intense/urban than Sookie; you may want to wait until you're *ahem* back with your husband.


Unknown said...

Glad I'm not the only one who got hooked on "Dead like me" reruns and then was mad it just ends. You should also rent "Dexter", way awesome.

Sorry about your cat, but I wish it was how it worked for my animals - too often I have been the one to have to choose for them and that's sometimes harder. Well, it all sucks and it's not easy.

Glad you reached a compromise with that group, bunch of "choice words".

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry about your kitty. That is so hard.
I read your blog often but have never commented. This post sounded so much like me- it was nice to hear there are more of us out there.
I'm alone in my house for different reasons. I already finished the Sookie books, and I've just started watching the Dead Like Me episodes again on Hulu. Interesting coincidences.
Keep on keeping on...

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the kitty. Our first one passed at 19 and it's so sad. Hang in there, it won't be long now..

Taking Heart said...

We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our new OBGYN... hopefully, she's nice and we can train her well, lol.
Heard she visited last week wearing a Napolian Dynomite shirt and basketball shorts... we may very well just be in love with her.

Praying that your new facility will love you as well!

Anonymous said...

Hey I hope you feel better! I love your stories and I have been following your blog for a while now...can I friend you on facebook? It's okay if you say no.

Fordo said...

I am so sorry, Kenobi! We depend on our pets to comfort us and sustain us when we need them and for Kitty to die at such a bad time just sucks! I know you'll miss her, as will the rest of the family and other kitty.

Take heart, though. You'll be with your family soon on a grand new adventure! Best wishes for the future.

Ethel said...

This is tangential but perhaps a little lift, have you seen this shirt?

Sorry about the cat, loosing pets isn't easy and I still miss the ones I've lost years later. At least your term will be served soon and you'll be released back with your family.

Anonymous said...

Condolences and also congratulations on almost being outta there.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

I love your writing. It's from the heart. Sarah